
Objective 14:
Optimal Grid Size Calculation


[Pharr 2004] describes the optimal grid size in his Physically Based Raytracer to be a scalar times the cube root of the number of polys in the scene.
Specifically, [Pharr 2004] describes the optimal grid size as:

where N is the number of polygonal faces present in the imported Mesh objects.

[Pharr 2004] says that a good place to "start testing" grid size is the cube root of N, which is what I had been using for my optimal grid size.
After some experimentation, I found that Pharr's suggested scalar multiplication factor of 3 made another large effect on my render time.

Accumulated Optimization Status Runtime
Initial Voxel Traversal with voxel size "guess" 12x12x12s 2752 seconds. (~46 minutes)
Voxel-Polygon Sub-Mesh Optimization 143 seconds (~2 and a half minutes)
Shadow Ray Voxel Optimization 35 seconds
Optimal Grid Size Calculation 24 seconds


I now have another image to show the optimizations up to this point.

Accumulated Optimization Status Runtime
Initial Voxel Traversal with voxel size "guess" 2x2x2s 19295 seconds. (~5.4 hours)
Voxel-Polygon Sub-Mesh Optimization not calculated (sorry)
Shadow Ray Voxel Optimization not calculated (sorry)
Optimal Grid Size Calculation 1044 seconds. (~17 minutes)


Written by: Mike Jutan
CS 488 - Computer Graphics
University of Waterloo